AR Collections Use Case

RPA Use Cases for AR Collections

According to a payment study by Atradius, on average, companies write off 1.5% of their AR as bad debt (that’s $750K for a $50M company!), and 93% of businesses experience late payments.  RPA-enabled automated collections can improve these impactful statistics. The collections process is repetitive, rule-based, and time-sensitive. This makes it a prime candidate for … Continue Reading

HR Forms Automation

RPA Use Cases for HR Forms Automation

Paper is emblematic of back-office HR processes, and it’s expensive.  Per a 2022 Sapling study, 58% of organizations say their onboarding process is focused on Processes and Paperwork.  While CareerBuilder research indicates that paper-based candidate workflows result in 40%+ of HR Managers spending 3+ hours manually onboarding an employee, and 16% spending 5+ hours.  There … Continue Reading

Automated Sales Commission

RPA Use Cases for Sales Commission Automation

Manual data entry and Excel are ubiquitous in the world of sales commissions.  However, per Forbes, an estimated 88% of spreadsheets contain mistakes.  These calculation errors combined with the time, effort, and complexity associated with the overall sales commission process equate to frustrated sales professionals.  As a critical, complex, and time-consuming process, calculating and tracking … Continue Reading